Swiss – Hungarian NGO and Scholarship Funds

The first round of the Swiss – Hungarian NGO and Scholarship Funds has been closed.
Project applications to the two Funds which are running in the frame of Swiss Contribution Programme could be handed in until midnight at 12th November, 2012.
These possibilities had great interests: through the online application system 368 valid project proposals were registered until the deadline, in the next subdivision:
NGO Fund:
A priority (provision of social services): 229 pcs.
B priority (responses to environmental concerns): 99 pcs.
Scholarship Fund: 40 pcs.
The Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (Ökotárs - HEPF) in cooperation with the Autonomia Foundation, Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (DemNet) and the Carpathian Foundation – Hungary – and its colleagues check the applications’ formal eligibility in the next days. According to this they examine the applicants’ and their partners’ organizational forms, ages and the applications' completeness. If necessary they call for supplying the deficiencies. After the end of checking evaluation of applications starts. Two independent experts will examine and score applications by the criteria given in the call for proposals. Throughout they will ask clarifying questions which will be forwarded to applicants via email, telephone or personal consultation. Final decisions in the three topics will be made by a Small Project Approval Commitees by the beginning of February, 2013. 

