Go Give One campain-vaccines for everyone, everywhere

We are in such a fortunate position in Hungary with regard to the coronavirus epidemic that we can choose whether to vaccinate ourselves or not, and, if so, we have several vaccines available. As a partner organization of the WHO Foundation, we would like to draw attention to the fact that, unfortunately, due to the health situation in many countries, the only chance of overcoming this epidemic is vaccination, but there is not a sufficient number of vaccines available in these countries.

Invitation-Best practices of rural civil society organizations from the Carpathians


CIVIL INNOVATION - Best practices of rural NGOs from the Carpathian region

23 April 2021 13:00 PM-15:30 PM

Please join our Zoom Webinar and learn the best practices from two civil societies working in the Carpathian area of Slovakia. The interpretations will be provided in Polish , Ukrainian and Slovak.


13:00 Opening - Jacek Skórka, the president of the Gate of the Carpathians (a Polish Foundation)

Invitation-Commemorating Elena Lackova (1921-2003), a Roma writer and activist


CIVIL INNOVATION - Commemorating Elena Lackova (1921-2003), a Roma writer and activist

14 April 2021, 17:00 - 19:30 PM

Join our Zoom Webinar and get to know best practices from two civil society organizations woking in the Carpathian area of Slovakia. Interpretations will be provided in Hungarian, Ukrainian and Polish.

Please register for the Webinar by filling this form by 13 April 2021

Invitation-Best practices of rural civil society organizations from the Carpathians


CIVIL INNOVATION - Best practices of rural NGOs from the Carpathian region

29 March 2021 14:00 PM-16:30 PM

Join our Zoom Webinar and get to know best practices from two civil society organizations woking in the Carpathian area of Ukraine. Interpretations will be provided in Slovak, Ukrainian and Polish.

Invitation-Best practices of rural NGOs from the Carpathian region


CIVIL INNOVATION - Best practices of rural NGOs from the Carpathian region

23 March 2021 14:00 PM-16:30 PM

Join our online Zoom webinar and get acquainted with the best practices of two NGOs operating in Northern Hungary.


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Effective early interventions

Early childhood is crucial for all, this sensitive period and the impacts humans experience in this stage is a determining factor for a life course. Early development is shaped by various factors like the lifestyle and conditions of parents, experiences in infancy, caring relationships, family environments, physical and built environments, community environments, environmental toxins, nutrition, stress, and poverty. 

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New Board Members

In 2020 Miklós Marschall has joined to our Board of Directors, Miklós was the founding director of CIVICUS International from 1994 to 1998, the director of Transparency International for Europe and Central Asia from 1999 to 2017, and then the general director of Transparency International. His name is associated with many researches and publications analyzing the non-profit sector.